By: Ryan Malone
PDHNow is happy to release this latest professional engineer PDH class by Steven Vitale Ph.D., P.E.
To better respond to anomalies during plant operation, professional engineers need some understanding of thermodynamics. The thermodynamics presented in this PE PDH Course are basic and based on application rather than theory. The cases studied are all steady-state (the properties of the fluid at any point do not change with time) and steady-flow (the flow rate does not change with time) type problems. All of the solutions are based on some simple calculations and or on the use of the pressure-enthalpy chart or thermodynamic software. A large-size pressure enthalpy chart for methane or a thermodynamic software should be used in concern with this learning.
At the end of this Phase 1, a thermodynamic overview of an open expansion gate station-type liquefaction plant process is studied. This open expansion plant overview study is not rigorous in that it is based on a simplified plant process without pressure drops, it does not take into account the pinch points of process heat exchangers, and it treats natural gas as a pure substance of 100% methane. Although this is not rigorous enough to depict the actual process, it serves the intent of this professional engineer continuing education PDH course by exercising and reinforcing the concepts presented herein.
Check back often with PDHNow and Engineer Educators for the latest PE continuing education course releases and for the latest news regarding your professional engineer license renewal.