This PE PDH course is the 2nd in a series of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Courses. This professional engineer continuing education course is designed for engineers learning about the thermodynamics of LNG.
By: Ryan Malone
Published: 12/30/2024
What Every Energy Professional Engineer Needs to Know about Thermodynamics and Liquefaction Systems Part 1, explained the basics of thermodynamics as applied to natural gas and LNG. It relied heavily on the use of pressure enthalpy charts for the pure substance methane. The use of these charts was good for building an understanding of the basics. However, the shortcomings of using these charts are the inaccuracy of reading the charts by eye and the inability to easily manage data for hydrocarbon mixtures. Also, it was tedious to scrutinize and interpolate the fine lines of various properties on the Ph diagrams, which sometimes resulted in learner frustration.
What Every Energy Professional Engineer Needs to Know about Thermodynamics and Liquefaction Systems Part 2 builds on the information presented in Part 1, and introduces the use of software for understanding more complex concepts.