4 hours · $79.95
This Professional Engineer PDH Course is given in 3 parts (This is part 2). • Part 1 is based on understanding thermodynamic concepts and using pressure enthalpy charts. • Part 2 builds onto part 1 but uses thermodynamic software instead of pressure enthalpy charts for analysis and goes into additional depth. • Part 3 builds on parts 1 and 2 to apply thermodynamics to understand air conditioning and refrigeration systems from ¼ hp size units to 300,000 hp size units. Part 3A focuses on pure substances and mixed refrigerant liquefaction systems. Part 3B focuses on nitrogen expansion liquefaction systems. This Part 2 PE PDH continuing education course introduces the Professional Engineer to the use of thermodynamic software in lieu of using charts for performing thermodynamic analyses. The use of such software is much more time efficient, accurate and flexible. Thermodynamic software allows the PE to dive deeper in their understanding of the field of thermodynamics. In this part we will build on the learning of Part 1 and expand our ability to deal with mixtures rather than solely the pure fluid of methane.
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This Professional Engineer PDH continuing education course is intended to be an aid for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) professional engineers to help them better understand the basic thermodynamic principles they deal with daily. Although this learning specifically deals with LNG, methane gas and mixtures of natural gas, the principles certainly pertain to propane, refrigerants and other gases and that engineers manage.
LNG is an essential part of the gas industry supply portfolio. It is used during our most critical supply times, and it is available only because we have reliable equipment and a highly skilled staff of operators and engineers.
Currently, LNG accounts for only a few percent of the U.S. gas supply. However, during a peak day, LNG may account for 30% of a local distribution company’s sendout. LNG also allows local gas production and stored natural gas supplies to contribute to the global energy picture as this gas can be transported in liquid form around the world. LNG utilization has grown significantly over the next 10 years, and it is highly likely that LNG will play a very important role in the future U.S and global energy picture. Today there are numerous import and export terminals in operation and on the drawing boards, and the present fleet of worldwide LNG tankers is increasing at a rapid pace. This growth in the LNG industry will require a significant increase in the skilled workforce necessary to operate and maintain these production, processing, export, receiving, distributing, and vaporizing facilities.
To better respond to anomalies during plant operation, professional engineers need some understanding of thermodynamics. The thermodynamic principles presented in this Part 2 of the PE PDH course are basic and based on application rather than theory. The cases studied are mostly steady-state (the properties of the fluid at any point do not change with time) and steady-flow (the flow rate does not change with time) type problems. All of the solutions are based on some simple calculations and the use of thermodynamic software.
Upon completion of Part 2 Engineering PDH course, the Professional Engineer should be able to understand:
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