3 hours · $54.95
This Georgia Laws, Rules, and Ethics course satisfies 3 of the 30 hours of Professional Development Hours (PDH) required for Georgia licensed professional engineers and 3 of the 15 required hours for Georgia licensed Professional Land Surveyors. This PDH Course is designed as a distance learning interactive course that allows the Professional Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor to review the cannons of ethics and legal aspects that govern the practice of professional engineering and land surveying in the state of Georgia.
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In addition to meeting education, experience, and examination requirements the professional engineer or land surveyor must become familiar with state law and rules to practice engineering or land surveying in any state. The laws and rules vary from state to state, but the basic requirements for qualifications and professional conduct are very similar throughout the United States.
Many state boards publish disciplinary actions taken against licensees who violate board rules. The most common types of violations are:
Other types of violations include:
To avoid these or other violations, professional engineers or land surveyors should periodically review the Board Law and Rules. As a professional engineer or land surveyor, the licensee must recognize the obligation to protect the safety, health, property, and welfare of the public. If a licensee’s engineering judgement is overruled under circumstances where the safety, health, or welfare of the public is endangered, the licensee shall inform the proper authorities and employer of the situation.
Upon successful completion of this professional development course, the professional engineer or professional land surveyor will:
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This course is eligible for engineering PDH credits in the following states:
Note: This course material is specific to the state of Georgia and is offered to satisfy a requirement specific to that jurisdiction. Although some jurisdictions allow credit for courses taken to satisfy requirements of other jurisdictions, some jurisdictions do not allow credit for courses specific to another jurisdiction. We suggest that you contact the jurisdiction for which you are seeking credit to confirm allowance of this state-specific course.
Be sure to review your state board’s CE licensing requirements before registering for courses. See our frequently asked questions for more information.
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